Yoga classes:

Monday: 10:15 to 11.30: ongoing online and in house

Wednesday: 10.15 to 11.30: beginners and recovery from illness

Wednesday: 18.15 to 19.30: ongoing online and in house

Weekly classes are in-house and online

THE CLASS: a class consists of asana: yoga postures, pranayama: working with the breath to balance energy, relaxation and meditation techniques.

THE AIM of a class: is to connect with the body, developing awareness of what we do in our lives that brings tension, and releasing it. Through awareness and relaxation, we learn to release stress and find the calmness and quietness within. 

Beginners Yoga class:

Wed: 10.15 - 11.30

Weekly beginners yoga class: appropriate for recovery from illness and over 60’s

BEGINNERS class is suitable for all ages and all levels of flexibility. Chairs are provided if one cannot sit on the floor.

The Bihar Yoga tradition is as much about calming the mind as it taking care of the body’s needs. In learning to witness the mind, it starts to calm down and we get to know ourselves and the deeper nature within us.